The First Step: Define the Destination

I want more of *this* in my world!

I want to be a Freelancer.

There, I’ve said it.

I want to start a business, work from home, carve my own pants-optional pathway.

What will this look like for me?

  • Paying off our student loan and car loan, while remaining debt-free other than our mortgage.
  • Rocking my skills, gifts and connections to deliver my awesome to the world.
  • Quitting my day job to Freelance full-time from home!

My kids are currently 9 and 7, very precious ages. My daughter seems to be right at the brink of teenage-hood (when she turned nine she said “Wow–I’m a ‘pre-tween’!”. I said “Actually, you’re what we call a ‘kid’!”). My son has so many stories, and projects, and so much energy! It really is a shame when 90% of the time we spend together involves me saying “Hurry up!”

I know that Freelancing is hard work, and sometimes involves working insane hours. But with the ability to set my own schedule (plus doing work I feel really passionate about) I hope to be able to be *there* for my kids a bit more than I am right now.

The other part is around building community, getting people together to do awesome things, bringing healing and growing joy, and growing food too! There is so much I want to sink my teeth into. I love my city so much: I want to be one of the people right at the forefront doing work that truly matters here.

So, now you know my big secret.

What comes next? Find out tomorrow . . .

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